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日期:2020年07月06日     作者:     来源:      点击:[]

彭飞 副教授/硕士生导师






  • 20049-20086月,海军航空大学信息工程专业,获得学士学位;

  • 20089-20156月,电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院通信与信息系统专业,师从饶云江教授,获得博士学位;

  • 201512-20183月,电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院光学工程专业博士后工作并出站,师从王子南教授;

  • 20184月作为引进人才进入william威廉亚洲官方电气工程学院担任特聘副研究员;

  • 2020年担任william威廉亚洲官方电气工程学院硕士生导师;

  • 20229月起担任william威廉亚洲官方电气工程学院副教授;


  • 2020—2023,主持国家自然科学基金委青年项目《基于光纤分布式声波/温度梯度传感的超长距离海缆在线状态监测系统研究》。

  • 20222023,主持中广核新能源科技项目《基于光纤分布式声波传感的100公里及以上超长距离海缆在线状态监测系统研制》,致力于解决深远海风电开发中超长距离海缆的在线监测难题。

  • 2015—2020,参加国家自然科学基金委国家重大科研仪器研制项目《基于新型分布式光纤声波传感器的地震检波仪》。

  • 2012—2017,参加国家自然科学基金委重大项目《长距离分布式光纤传感网关键器件与技术研究》,在国内较早开展超长距离分布式光纤传感器的研究。



  • H. Wu, B. Hu, F. Peng*, Z. Wang, G. Genty*, H. Liang*, “Towards mid-infrared computational temporal ghost imaging” Light Science & Applications. DOI:10.1038/s41377-024-01426-0, 2024 (已录用)

  • F. Peng*, X. Y. Zheng, Q. Miao, “Large Dynamic Range and Anti-Fading Phase-Sensitive OTDR Using 2-D Phase Unwrapping via Neural Network”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72 (2023).

  • J. Zhong, T. Chen, F. Peng*, X. Bi, and Z. Chen, “Direction of arrival estimation based on slope fitting of wideband array signal in fractional Fourier transform domain” IET Radar Sonar & Navi. 17(9), 1420-1429 (2022).

  • J. Zhong, Z. Chen, T. Chen, F. Peng*, and X. Bi, “Direction-of-arrival estimation for wideband linear frequency modulated signals with weighted L1-norm in the fractional Fourier domain” IET Radar Sonar & Navi. 17(3), 422-434 (2023).

  • J. Tang, M. Hu, G. Jiang, X. Zheng, and F. Peng*, “Airborne Sound Sensing System Based on DAS and Ultra-Simple Transducer Structure”, Photonics 9(12), 975 (2022).

  • M. Wang, L. Deng, Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, and F. Peng*, “Rapid Response DAS Denoising Method Based on Deep Learning” J. Lightwave Technol. 39(8), 2583–2593 (2021).

  • C. Huang, F. Peng*, and K. Liu, “Pipeline Inspection Gauge Positioning System Based on Optical Fiber Distributed Acoustic Sensing” IEEE Sensors Journal 21(22), 25716–25722 (2021).

  • Z. Li, J. Zhang, M. Wang, Y. Zhong, and F. Peng*, “Fiber distributed acoustic sensing using convolutional long short-term memory network: a field test on high-speed railway intrusion detection” Optics Express 28(3), 2925–2938 (2020).

  • Z. Li, J. Zhang, M. Wang, J. Chai, Y. Wu, and F. Peng*, “An anti-noise ϕ-OTDR based distributed acoustic sensing system for high-speed railway intrusion detection” Laser Physics 30(8), 085103 (2020).

  • F. Peng* and X. Cao, “A hybrid Φ/B-OTDR for simultaneous vibration and strain measurement” Photonic Sensors 6(2), 121–126 (2016).

  • F. Peng, Y. J. Rao*, and Z. N. Wang, “Optical fiber distributed acoustic communication” in OFC2015, pp. W3I-6.

  • F. Peng, H. Wu, X. H. Jia, Y.J. Rao*, Z. N. Wang, and Z.P. Peng, “Ultra-long high-sensitivity Φ-OTDR for high spatial resolution intrusion detection of pipelines” Optics Express 22(11), 13804–13810 (2014).

  • F. Peng, Z. P. Peng, X. H. Jia, Y. J. Rao*, Z.-N. Wang, and H. Wu, “128km fully-distributed high-sensitivity fiber-optic intrusion sensor with 15m spatial resolution” in OFC 2014, pp. M3J-4.

  • F. Peng, N. Duan, Y. J. Rao*, and J. Li, “Real-time position and speed monitoring of trains using phase-sensitive OTDR” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26(20), 2055–2057 (2014).

  • N. Duan, F. Peng, Y. J. Rao*, J. Du, and Y. Lin, “Field test for real-time position and speed monitoring of trains using phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry (Φ-OTDR)” in OFS 2014, 9157, pp. 1037–1040.

  • F. Peng, Z. N. Wang, Y. J. Rao*, and X.-H. Jia, “106km fully-distributed fiber-optic fence based on P-OTDR with 2nd-order Raman amplification” in OFC 2013, pp. JW2A-22.

  • F. Peng, Z. Ran, Y. J. Rao*, and Y. Liu, “A hybrid Raman/FBG sensing system for simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain” in OFS 2012, 8421, pp. 1561–1564.

学术主页‪Fei Peng - ‪Google Scholar


  • 四川自动化仪器仪表学会理事;

  • 中广核新能源公司科技委委员;


  • 本科生课程:《传感器与检测技术》

  • 研究生课程:《学术规范与论文写作》

  • 研究生课程:《信息论基础》


  • 控制科学与工程;

  • 智能科学与技术;

  • 电子信息;


  • 人工智能在电气设备故障监测、智能交通中的应用;

  • 新型分布式光纤传感系统设计;



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